Benefits Of Installation Of Heat Pump Water Heater For Your Home

Clean Energy 5 Mins Read IstanaGreenWorld Nov 1, 2022
Benefits Of Installation Of Heat Pump Water Heater For Your Home

A heat pump water heater is a special type of water heater that you can find in many modern homes. This water heater absorbs the heat around it to heat the water inside it. Therefore, it does not directly produce heat using electricity. 

If you are fascinated by this unique feature, read this article. Here, I have explained how to install such a water heater in your house, step by step. In addition, you will also get to learn why such a water heater will be beneficial for you.

How To Install A Heat Pump Water Heater In Your Home?

To install a heat pump water heater in your house, follow the steps I have explained below:

1. Select On The Best Location For Your Heater

Select On The Best Location For Your Heater

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The first step in installing a water heater electric is to find a proper location for your device. Various places are suitable for installing your water heater. Whatever place you choose, just ensure that there is a drain pan under it. This will ensure that no water spills on the floor. In my opinion, the best places in your heater.

⦿ Basement


The basement is one of the best places to install your hot water heater. Here, it will be best if you can install it near your furnace. This is because the furnace’s heat will help keep the water heater warm enough during winter. Such a temperature is necessary because a cold water heater will take more time to heat the water. This will cause your electricity bills to rise.

⦿ Garage


Your garage might be your best option if you live in warmer regions. This is because your garage will help in keeping the temperature around your heater somewhat consistent. Just ensure that it stays below 40 degrees Fahrenheit during winter.

⦿ Attic


Your attic duct is a great place for you to install your heat pump water heater. However, it will be best if air sealing is done in your attic. This will prevent cold air from entering your attic and help maintain the temperature around your water heater.

⦿ Outdoor


You can install your electric water boiler outside if you live in hotter regions where it doesn’t snow in winter.

2. Remove The Previous Heat Pump Water Heater (If Any)

Remove The Previous Heat Pump Water Heater

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You cannot install a heat pump water heater if you still have your older heater up and running. Therefore, it’s time to give it a proper farewell. First, drain all the water from inside it. Then, you need to disconnect all the electricity lines and the plumbing as well. If you do not know how to do this, contact a professional if you don’t want to risk getting injured.

3. Place New Heat Pump Water Heater

Place New Heat Pump Water Heater

If you previously had a water heater, simply place it there instead of it. If you didn’t, then get your tools out and drill holes in the walls. You connected the hooks here that will hold the water heater in its place. Here, ensure that your heater is at the right level above the ground (around your abdomen/chest).

4. Connect All The Plumbing

Connect All The Plumbing

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Now that your water heater is in its place, it’s time to connect all the water lines to it. This is one of the most important steps since improper plumbing will be bad news for you. However, this step will be significantly easier for you if you place your water heater in the same place as your previous one. 

All pipes should be routed correctly so that the right inlet and outlet pipes are all configured properly. In addition, you also need to solder the pipes in place, which you should do carefully. Again, consult a professional if you cannot.

5. Connect The Drainage Outlet

Connect The Drainage Outlet

Every heat pump water heater has a drainage outlet for the condensed water that forms due to condensation inside. This water needs to be drained out, or it will leak from the heater and cause problems. Therefore, you must ensure that the right pipe is fitted in the condensation tank. 

In addition, you must ensure that the drainage pipe is angled downwards so that water flows out properly. If this angle is unachievable, then you need to install an extra drainage pump to make it work as intended.

6. Fill Up The Tank

Fill Up The Tank

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Now that you have installed your heat pump water heater with the proper plumbing, it’s time to fill it up. Open all pipe faucets attached to your water heater and fill them with water. However, do not fill it up fully. 80% should be perfect for preventing spillage.

7. Power It On

Power It On

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Finally, when the water heater is filled with water, simply turn it on and give it a go. If you see it’s heating water as intended, congratulations! You have successfully installed a water boiler for your home!

What Are The Benefits Of Installing A Heat Pump Water Heater In Your Home?

The primary benefits of installing a heat pump water heater in your house are:

1. They Are Efficient

They Are Efficient

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A heat pump water heater is one of the most effective water heaters on the market right now. This is because, compared to other “normal” water heaters, this heater can absorb water from the air around it. A process like this helps in saving electricity. It is the reason why it’s best placed near furnaces in your basement. It also helps if you can install a DIY solar panel setup too. 

2. These Heaters Are Eco Friendly And Safe

These Heaters Are Eco Friendly And Safe

These water boilers do not emit any form of heat, gas, toxic emissions, and such. Therefore, they are one of the best eco-friendly ways to heat water. In addition, since the outside surface of the water heater is cool, touching it won’t cause any burns. Its eco-friendly nature can be matched by using eco-friendly paint for your walls. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)?

The answers to questions related to heat pump water heaters are:

Q1. What Are The Costs Of Installing A Heat Pump Water Heater?

Ans – If you are installing a new water heater, you might have to pay installation charges if you cannot do so yourself. This is advisable if you want it to run safely. This can range from $500 to $800.

Q2. Do You  Need Special Permits To Install A Heat Pump Water Heater In Your Home?

Ans – If you need to change your house’s plumbing from the ground up completely, you might require new permits. However, this depends on which federal state you live in.

Q3. Heat Pump vs Solar Power Water Heater – Which Is Better?

Ans – A solar power water heater is better than heat pump heaters because of zero electricity costs. It’s also faster than heat pumps. However, the full-time availability of sunlight can be a major problem.

Time To Say Goodbye To Cold Baths!

If you have read so far, then you now know how to install a heat pump water heater. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Get started in the installation process, and easily get warm water during winter! Now you can have hot and steamy baths whenever you want in this chilly cold!

Read my other posts here at IstanaGreen World for more such informative guides!


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