What Is Composting Toilet And Why Do You Need One In 2022?

Environment 7 Mins Read IstanaGreenWorld Jul 6, 2022
composting toilet

Who does not want to live in a better and greener world? Now, many people in the world are concerned about pollution and the other environmental issues which are arising. This is the main reason which is encouraging the people to go for the more environmentally friendly options, like having a composting toilet.

Plastic use is pretty harmful to the environment. So it will always be better if you are shifting to any healthy options that are not harmful, like plastics. Let’s have a look at what is a composting toilet? And how it actually works.

What Are Waterless Composting Toilet Systems?

What Are Waterless Composting Toilet Systems

A composting toilet is a specific type of toilet where the biological environment’s natural bacteria treats human waste. This process is a composting process. In traditional ways, human waste is collected in plastic bags. And then these are dumped in a landfill. These are not at all up-and-coming techniques. 

As human waste is dumped in landfills and increases the earth’s pollution levels. This pollution is becoming a burning problem in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Composting toilets is turning human waste into dry materials. The decomposition of organic materials turns human waste into compost materials. The microorganisms have controlled the conditions.

We also know these toilets by a different name which is a dry toilet. As the water flushing facilities are not there.

Pros And Cons Having The Composting Toilets?

All you know is these toilets are great initiations for a better and greener world. Apart from these concepts, there are many more things that you should know about composting toilets.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of having a composting toilet.

Pros Of The Dry Toilets:

Pros And Cons Having The Composting Toilets

All you know is that a composite toilet minimizes plastic waste. But apart from these, here are some of the advantages of having these toilets.

  • Do not use an excessive amount of water for flushing.
  • The odour is free in the waste disposal systems.
  • This is a great step for environmental sustainability and green conversations.
  • You do not have to install the septic tank.
  • These dry toilets are movable.
  • You will get higher flexibility for moving.
  • This is a decent human waste disposal system.
  • The best composting toilet is a toilet that requires very little maintenance.

Cons Of Having The Composite Toilets

Cons Of Having The Composite Toilets

Not everything is good for the composite toilet. There are some disadvantages of having composite toilets.

Here are the cons of having dry toilets.

  • Composite toilets require more maintenance than regular traditional toilets.
  • In some cases, these toilets are pretty difficult to use.
  • Some dry toilets are pretty large. So you require excess areas for installations.
  • You require a specific permit for installations.
  • In some cases, single-unit maintenance is becoming pretty costly.
  • Some of the best composting toilets do not contain odor well. 

How Much Does A Composting Toilet Cost?

How Much Does A Composting Toilet Cost

The average installation cost of the composting toilet is $1400.But this value can vary depending on the source material.Yes.Some of the source materials are not very costly and the supply is good.

So for that depending on the types of compost toilets materials, the installation process is different so from the installations to the price of the toilets everything is different.

For example, a nature’s head composting toilet buying price is $1,030.00 apart from the installations. The Excel Electric Waterless High Capacity Self-Contained compost toilet’s price is $1899.00. So you can see the differences between the different brands’ composting toilet prices.

Let’s see how a composting toilet work.

How Does The Composting Toilets Work?

How Does The Composting Toilets Work

A composting toilet has a self-contained central system. You just have to build up the right environment for it. That all your work is done. To reach the right composting state, you require the right amount of moisture and proper carbon and nitrogen balances

Here is a step by step instructions about the composite toilet’s functions.

Step 1: Dry toilets require the right carbon and nitrogen balances. To influence the microorganism to work.

Step 2: The activity of the oxygen-breathing bacteria. You have to control the toilet’s environment’s moisture level.  

Step 3: The summer composting toilet maintenance process is simple. Hence a very minimum amount of moisture is present in the environment.

Step 4: Some of the composite toilets have separate urine chambers. So these chambers need to be emptied after a single use.

Step 5: Some of the models also have evaporations systems for the urine chambers.

Step 6:These separate processes are always helping to control the nitrogen levels of composites.

Step 7: The aerobic bacteria are activated at 60 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. So you have to maintain that temperature to have moisture controls.

How To Maintain Your Composite Toilets?

How To Maintain Your Composite Toilets

Having the installation of the composite toilets is not all. After you install it, you have to maintain the composting toilet to maintain the right balance of oxygen balance.

There are two solutions. One is you have to ask for help from the right maintenance instructors. Else you have to do it on your own. The composting toilet for RVs are accessible maintenance facilities and have a full-packed system.

Own Mainatinces Process: 

Some people bag up the dry waste and empty the individual containers for maintenance. Then they put the bag into the garbage. Others are using these waste materials for manufacturing fertilizers.

If your composting toilet has a separate urine compartment. Then these compartments require frequent change. Yes! But the frequency of the washing and changing is entirely dependent on the types of toilets.

And along with these cleaning and the maintenance tips you require to clean the exteriors of the toilets. But if you take help from the expertise of composite toilet cleaning specialists, then they are doing all the jobs for you.

But can you make these composite toilets by yourself? Most of the composite materials are entirely organic and easily available. Then why not try a DIY composite toilet?

Can You Make A Self-Contained DIY Compost Toilet?

Can You Make A Self-Contained DIY Compost Toilet

Yes, you can build your own composite toilet like the DIY composting bin within a very small budget. How to get the job done? You know the price and the installation cost of a nature head composting toilet. Are you want to cut off these huge expenses?

Then there are a few steps for building your own self-contained DIY compost toilets. I am starting with the required materials for constructing the self-contained DIY compost toilets.

 Supply Materials:

1. 14 to 12 mm plywood
2. 2x4 of wood planks
3. Few screws for fixing
4. Liquid wood glue
5. A single wood bucket
6. A toilet seat
7. Urine separator for creating separate chamber
8. Pair of handles
9. Wood colors

Tools You Require

1. An electric drill
2. Handheld jigsaw
3. Screwdrivers
4. Drill bits 
5. Jigs
6. Wood sandpaper

Step 1: Build Your Box For Your Toilet

Build Your Box For Your Toilet

The box’s height needs to be in a comfortable position. So you have to manufacture the box first where you are putting your bucket and seat.

  • Measure up the height which you require
  • Start to build up the frame for the composting toilets.
  • Cut the six pieces of plywood, then start to adjust the pieces in the right way.

Step 2: Cut A Hole

Cut A Hole

Cut out a hole on the top of the box. Then install the composting toilet seat.

  • First, place the seat on the plywood.
  • Open the set lid. And mark the areas which you have to cut.
  • Then cut that part and fix the seat on the right area with glue and screws.
  • To soften the harsh edges use sandpaper.

Step 3: Add The Urine Separator

Add The Urine Separator

Add the urine separator with a separate channel. Screw the urine separator to the bottom of the lid from the front side. The 3.5-lit plastic pot is enough for the urine separator chamber.

This way, you can minimize the odour and maintain a clean composting toilet.

Step 4: Install The Buckets

Install The Buckets

Now that you haven’t installed the bucket for your compost toilet. Five gallons of the plastic bucket is enough for holding the waste materials. Usually, three buckets are enough for rotational use.

Step 5: Add The Absorbent To The Bucket

Add The Absorbent To The Bucket

In the last step, you have to finish the installation tasks. The absorbent materials like dried leaves, wood ash, and sawdust additions will help to minimize the odor. The sawdust will soak up the excess moisture. Which increases the composting time.

Now your composting toilet is ready. In the final stage, you can also color your toilet to give it a little bit of a polished look.

Frequently Asked Question:-

Q1: What Are The Misconceptions About Waterless Composting Toilets?

Ans: Compost toilet ideas have many misconceptions.
Here are some of the misconceptions:
👉 Waterless toilets are entirely odorless.
👉 The composite human waste is not hummus anymore.
👉 Stored urine does not require frequent changing.
👉 A dry toilet avoids the chances of water pollution.
👉 Composite toilets are easy to maintain.
👉 Dry toilets are pretty expensive.

Q2: Where Does Human Poop Go In A Composting Toilet?

Ans: In the compost bin. Yes, every composite bin has coconut fibers or pet mosses. These last for nearly a year. And human poop is just going into this. And When you are turning up the handle, the organic compounds start to mix with the human waste.

Q3: How Often Do Composting Toilets Bin Or Buckets Need To Be Emptied?

Ans: Every 2-3 months, you have to empty the composite toilet basket. During the process of decomposition, the amount of waste is reduced through evaporation.

Composting Toilet Is Great Initiation For A Better Greener World

Compost toilets are not a new concept. These conceptions are also present in primitive society. So there is nothing very new. Natural organic materials are used as composite materials. When you have dry toilets, make sure you are following the right way to maintain these toilets. Yes, this is very true. Along with the maintenance, always check the functional parts of the toilets.

Are you thinking of installing the composting toilets? Do not forget to share your ideas and compost toilet maintenance tips with us through the comment sections.

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