What Is A Hybrid Solar System And How Does It Work?

Solar 5 Mins Read IstanaGreenWorld Oct 18, 2021
hybrid solar system

When deciding on a type of solar system for a house, school, company, or industry, most people choose either an on-grid or off-grid system. However, a new option is now available: “Hybrid Solar System.” This system is a hybrid of an on-grid and off-grid solar system. It features a rechargeable battery to store energy and the capacity to send excess power back into the leading network.

Investing in a hybrid solar system will significantly reduce your power expenses. A hybrid system costs somewhat more than other types of solar systems, but it provides you with a continuous power supply and a more significant return than its cost over time. In this article, we will get to know all about hybrid solar systems and how they work.

What Is A Hybrid Solar System? What Are The Components?

In a hybrid solar system, the array of solar panels is linked to the inverter, then coupled to the utility grid and solar battery. The solar panel collects the sun’s rays and transforms them into direct current power. This electricity is then sent to the Solar Inverter, which converts direct current energy to alternating current. This is the standard electrical current that we use to power our domestic appliances and pleasures. The components of a hybrid solar system are;

1: Solar Panel

Solar Panel

Solar Panels are an essential part of any Solar System. The solar panel detects sunlight and converts it into direct current power. The number of solar panels required is determined by the capability of the solar system. For example, in a 5 KW Solar System, 15 solar panels of 335-watt capacity are needed, and in a 10 KW Solar System, 30 panels of 335-watt power are required.

2: Hybrid Solar Inverter

A hybrid solar inverter is the second most crucial component of a solar system. The voltage that is sent into the batteries and your appliances is regulated by the solar inverter. It can also convert DC voltage to AC voltage if necessary.

3: Solar Battery

Solar batteries provide backup power when solar panels are not generating power due to weather or at night. Unused electricity is stored in a solar battery. You can install solar batteries as needed in a hybrid photovoltaic system.

How Does A Hybrid Solar System Work?

A hybrid solar system will operate even during a power outage, ensuring that you always have power in your house. A hybrid solar system integrates grid connectivity with solar energy storage. So, this system helps you store the electricity produced by your solar system throughout the day in batteries. So, instead of purchasing electricity from the government grid at a higher cost, the same energy may be utilized in the evening or night.

The excess is transferred into the primary electrical grid via solar net metering if the system generates more electricity than it consumes. The exported units will be adjusted in your electricity bill at the time of billing by the government or power supplier.

Suppose the solar system’s production exceeds your home’s electrical demands throughout the day. In that case, the extra energy is stored in solar batteries, and once ultimately charged, the power is automatically exported to the utility grid via Net-Metering.

You will have two alternatives for nighttime in the inverter grid and up to 50% batteries. If you pick government power/grid, the grid will power your load, and solar batteries will power your house in the event of a power outage. If you choose the battery as a secondary priority, the battery will be depleted by up to 50%. If your family utilizes more than half of the battery’s capacity, the additional electricity necessary to run the house is taken from the utility grid.

Pros And Cons Of A Hybrid Solar System


  • Solar with a battery backup of 8-10 hours, depending on usage.
  • Allow customers to connect to the grid using a battery bank.
  • This technology operates even when the power grid is down.
  • Successful in regions where there is no electricity or a power outage.
  • Can power large gadgets such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and coolers.
  • ROI in 5–7 years, with a life expectancy of 25–30 years.
  • Qualified for 20–40% federal subsidies on solar.


  • It is more expensive than grid-solar.
  • Its battery life ranges from 7 to 15 years.
  • It has the potential to limit the number of appliances you can operate at the same time. You can determine that by the hybrid inverter’s capability.

Why Should You Store Energy In A Battery?

The solar feed-in tariff, or FiT, has been decreased by several governments and network providers. That is why typical grid-feed solar systems are not so popular as most people work during the day. So, they are not present at home to utilize the solar energy produced. Thus the power is sent into the grid for relatively little return.

A solar hybrid system stores surplus solar energy while simultaneously providing power backup during a power outage. This is ideal for homeowners, but for most companies that operate during the day, a standard grid-feed solar system is still the most cost-effective option.

Hybrid solar systems allow you to store solar energy and utilize it while you’re at home in the evening when power prices are generally at their highest.

Self-use or self-consumption refers to the ability to store and consume solar energy as needed. It functions similarly to an off-grid power system, but the battery capacity required is much lower, typically just enough to meet peak usage of 8 hours or less compared to 3-5 days with a conventional off-grid system.

Wrapping It Up

A hybrid solar system is a costly Solar Solution that gives you a luxury and continuous power supply for your heavy equipment such as air conditioners, room heaters, washing machines, and water pumps, among others. So, if you want the convenience of continuous power backup and the ability to transfer to the grid, this system is a good choice. So, if you have any more queries on them, you can post them in the comment box below.

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