A Clover Lawn Is Lucky! Types Of Clover & Benefits Of Having A Clover Lawn!

Green Living 5 Mins Read IstanaGreenWorld Feb 23, 2023
Clover Lawn

Ordinary grass lawns are boring! Why not try to have a clover lawn for a change?

If you have been in search of information related to clover lawns and are thinking about the advantages that they might have over a grass lawn, you are going to find this article to be of help.

We all have tried to find a four-leaf clover at some point of time in our lives and get lucky. But have you ever considered building yourself a lawn with only clover plants? Believe me or not, having a lawn made with clover is one of the best things that you can do.

Keep reading this article till the end to learn about why having a clover lawn is better than having a lawn made of ordinary grass…

Clover Lawn 101: What Is A Clover?


A clover is a very popular (and cute looking) legume which is considered to be a member of the pea family. It first originated in the European continent and slowly made its way to the United States and other parts of America in the latter half of the 1600s.

This herb has more than three hundred species and some of them eleven fall under the group of flowering herbs.

One of the most important reasons why people intentionally plant this herb is to fix the nitrogen in the soil that the grasses or other plants feed on. This helps to cut down on the cost of artificial fertilizers. So, this proves that Clovers are actually lucky!

Types Of Clover Lawn

Before talking about the benefits of having a clover lawn, let me tell you something. Did you know that there are a number of types of clovers that you can choose from when you try to pick one for making a lawn?

YES! You heard that right!

Here are some of the most common types of clover leaves that you ,ight want to choose for your lawn:

1. Trifolium Repens or White Clover

Trifolium Repens or White Clover

It is one of the most common types of clover pants that people choose for their lawns. It grows very quickly and spreads at a much faster pace than most other species. This type of clover is mostly grown in orchards and vineyards and has a lifespan of up to five years.

2. Trifolium Pratense or Red Clover

Trifolium Pratense or Red Clover

Next on the list of the types of clover is the red clover. This legume is a bit taller than white clover and is much bushier. So if you are planning to have a denser cover for your lawn, you might want to pick this one. With a lifespan of up to three years, red clovers grow and thrive best in moist conditions where the soil is well-drained.

3. Trifolium Fragiferum or Strawberry Clover

Trifolium Fragiferum or Strawberry Clover

The last one on this list is the strawberry clover. It has a lifespan of about three years and is known to tolerate short periods of drought. The florets of this type of clover plant are a mix of pink and white and are famous for attracting a lot of birds.

Benefits Of Having A Clover Lawn

Now it is time for me to talk about why you should choose a clover lawn over your ordinary grass lawn.

Here are the benefits of having a clover lawn that you need to know about:

1. Reduces Erosion

A clover herb has roots that go very deep into the soil. This means that these deep roots bind the soil tightly, preventing it from running off during the times of heavy rain. If you are scared that your garden soil is getting eroded due to flood, heavy rain, or other agents of erosion, plant a clover lawn!

2. Fixes Nitrogen In Soil

Beinga legume primarily, clovers are known to fix the nitrogen in the soil. This means if you have a garden whose soil is of low quality and that has been preventing you from growing other plants in the lawn, you can easily take help of the clover.

3. Infrequent Mowing

While it is true that clover plants grow very rapidly, there is one thing that you need to know, they grow fast but they do not grow tall. This ensures that there is absolutely no need to mow your lawn frequently. Quite low maintenance, isn’t it?

4. Reduces Cost Of Fertilizers And Pesticides

Like I have already mentioned before, a clover herb is known to fix the nitrogen in the soil, this makes it a great alternative to artificial fertilizers. Having a clover lawn is also a great idea as they grow vigorously. This ensures that other weeds are not able to grow on your lawn. They also protect your lawn from pests. Hence, you do not need to pay for pesticides as well.

5. Minimal Watering

You do not need to worry about watering the lawn if it is a clover lawn! The roots of the clover herb goes deep into the soil. This is because they are drought resistant in nature. Because of this reason, a lot of people who are unsure about how much to water their grass lawn choose to have a clover lawn.

6. Inexpensive

Next on the list of the benefits of having a clover lawn is the fact that these are extremely inexpensive. Because this herb is known to grow and spread at a very fast pace. You only need a quarter pound of the clever seeds for your lawn, in no time they will take over the entire lawn, making it look lush green.

7. Soil Type Is Not A Concern

A clover lawn is a great idea for you if you are unsure about the type of soil of your garden, clover plants are known to thrive well in almost all types of soil. The quality of the soul or whether it is dry or moist is not going to be a factor in this kind of lawn.

8. For The Blooms

The last and definitely one of the most important reasons why you should try to make a clover lawn is because they bloom. If you want to make sure that your lawn looks colorful at all times, it is best to have a clover lawn. You can choose white clover or even strawberry clovers for this reason. This is not something that a grass lawn can do.

Wrapping It Up!

In case you were in search of the benefits of having a clover lawn over that of a normal grass, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know in the comment box below at the bottom of the page.

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