What Are Bifacial Solar Panels And Know How Do They Work?

Solar Panel 5 Mins Read IstanaGreenWorld Jan 31, 2022
bifacial solar panels

Do you want to install the Bifacial solar panel in your home? If yes, you have to understand whether you can make things possible in your favor. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to save the power consumption in your locality.

The application of the Bifacial solar panel makes things more elicit as power can be produced on both sides of the bifacial module. It will increase the chances of total energy generation. You have to understand the facts before making your choices.

Most of the time, the balance is more durable as the sides are UV resistant with it comprises the potential induced degradation. It is reduced when the bifacial module is frameless.

What Are Bifacial Solar Panels?

It has been many years since people have been using solar panels as a source of energy. But all those solar panels are mono-facial or one-sided. As of recently, what caught everyone’s eyes are the bifacial solar panels, and that too for positive reasons. 

The bifacial solar panel is a double-sided energy factory that can transform the sunlight into an energy factory encircling the top and bottom sides. You have to understand the facts while developing your solar panels correctly.

The bifacial solar panels are made out of p-PERC bifacial cells. These cells are more efficient as each cell is made out of crystals of single silicons. This way, the electrons of electricity get to have more space to move around. 

How Does Bifacial Solar Panel Work?

How Does Bifacial Solar Panel Work?

The Top solar cells of the Bifacilal solar panel make their faces towards the sun, capturing the incident of the sun’s rays directly. This is why they absorb the sun’s rays. The top solar cells work like the conventional solar panel, while the bottom solar cells absorb the sunlight.

This light is also known as the albedo light. The light or white colors are reflected better in the solar panels than in the dark colors. You need to make sure that the Bifacial solar panels are placed in the right direction to get the sun’s direct rays for producing electricity.

For producing the two energy peaks throughout the day, half of the bifacial will be towards the east to capture the sunrise and the tilted sun’s rays. The second part is to catch the tilted rays of the sun for soaking their intensity.

Solar panels will contribute to energy production. Another installation was placed in the bifacially and the vertical direction. The arrangement will also comprise the double peak daily. The reflection of the sunlight will also contribute to the production of energy.

Benefits Of Using Bifacial Solar Panels

You can derive several benefits from the Bifacial Solar panels in your home. Some of the crucial benefits of the bifacial solar panels are as follows:-

1. High Efficiency

High Efficiency

Compared to the traditional solar panels, the Bifacial Pv panels are 11-12% more efficient than the conventional solar panels. In addition, the presence of monocrystalline solar cells made them more energy-efficient compared to traditional solar cells.

It can produce more energy compared to mono facial panels. It is one of the best solar panels with a high-efficiency level to create the massive amount of electricity you need for your home. Make things easier for yourself.

2. Less Space & Panels Are Required

Less Space & Panels Are Required

In the bifacial solar panels, both the faces generate electricity for you. A lesser amount of solar panels is required to produce electricity. Within a limited space, you can quickly produce a high amount of electricity.

You can save lots of your space in your home for electricity production. Your solar panel is capable enough to produce a high amount of energy in a short period.

Due to the presence of dual face solar panels, which are good enough to produce an ample amount of electricity with less space consumption. You can save lots of money due to this fact.

Read Also: How Much Energy Can Commercial Solar Panels Generate?

3. High Durability

High Durability

Compared to traditional solar panels, bifacial solar panels are highly durable. In addition, these solar panels can withstand bad weather conditions and hail storms.

The main reason behind these facts is that tempered glasses are used in manufacturing. The solar glasses are tempered, so they are powerful. It is the reason why it protects the glasses from both ends.

Durability is one of the prime concerns while installing solar panels in your home. In the case of Bifacial solar panels, you will not face any kind of problems. However, you need to make your choices in the right direction to achieve your goals in the best possible manner.

4. Produces Energy During Bad Weather

Produces Energy During Bad Weather 

The mono facial solar energy panels stop working during bad weather conditions. But on the other hand, the bifacial solar energy panels can work smoothly even in bad weather conditions.

The main reason is that if one side stops working, the other side keeps working smoothly. Therefore, you have to consider these facts before installing solar panels in your home.

Do not make your choices in grey as it can provide you with the maximum energy facility in a short period. The more you can think positively, the better your solution for yourself.

5. Installation Angle Flexibility

Installation Angle Flexibility

At any angle BF, solar panels can be set with perfect ease. You do not have to install them at any particular angle. You can also set them at a 90degree angle even that will not impact their level of efficiency. So make proper use of these solar panels to save your home’s energy bills.

Do not make your solar panel choices in grey, as you have to make things work for you in all possible manners. These solar panels are quite sturdy enough to provide you with all possible facilities you require in bad weather conditions and at the time of installation.

Final Take Away 

Hence, these are some of the crucial facts which you must know at your end while installing the bifacial solar panels in your home. You must install them in such a place in your home to receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

The first challenging part is the selection of the solar panel, and the second challenge is the correct installation of the solar panel. Unfortunately, in the case of bifacial solar panels, the second challenge doe not exist.

The reason behind this is that you can place them in your room at any angle you want to install the solar panels. You must ideally make your choices and not make the wrong selection of solar panels for your home.

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